Artemis lodge is based in West Sussex for people who like to combine an interest in shooting with Freemasonry. We hold our masonic meetings in Bognor and many of the regular shooting events at Southdown Gun Club near Findon.
Artemis is the name that has been chosen for the lodge as she was the Greek Goddess of Hunting which is appropriate for a lodge that has a quarry shooting theme, but also embraces Clay shooting and other country sports. As you can see here, many members dress in Tweeds although nobody is out of place wearing more usual masonic dress.
This Lodge is closely associated with the Sussex Masonic Shooting Sports Association which holds monthly shoots and other events. Many members of the SMSSA are not lodge members; all events are open to non masons. It’s an ideal opportunity for anyone who likes to shoot to meet masons and find out about Lodge activities.
Raising money for charity is a prominent activity, our annual charity shoots are open to masonic shooting teams from neighboring provinces as well as local clubs. We also like to enjoy ourselves holding shoot dinners and events where wives and partners can join in.
Regular lodge meetings will be held on the second Wednesday in February, April, September and November (Installation) at the Gordon Centre in Canada Grove, Bognor Regis. The shooting theme is very much part of our meetings so if you’d like to visit you’re in for a unique experience!

There’s a warm welcome for visiting Freemasons, especially so if you’d like to become a joining member of the lodge. If you’re sympathetic to shooting you’ll enjoy our meetings. Email if you have not been in contact before.
If you’re not a mason but interested in Artemis Lodge, do get in touch, either go to How To Join or just come along to one of the regular shoots listed on the web site.
We may be quite a young lodge but we've had an exciting time...
Artemis Activities
Links for more information on freemasonry:
Chichester Freemasons
Sussex Provincial Grand Lodge
United Grand Lodge
To find out about Southdown GC:
Southdown Gun Club is at Findon, just north of Worthing
Full details can be found at