How to Join

If you’re not a mason yet and would like to know more about freemasonry and our lodge do get in touch, we’d be pleased to talk to you.

If you are a mason now, are sympathetic to shooting, and interested, let us know and we’ll welcome you at a meeting or one of our other events .

If you’re not sure, both masons and friends who are not masons are welcome to join in the shoots that are organised by the SMSSA.  Ideally you need to have a shotgun license and insurance; if not an introductory session can be arranged and we’ll help you get a license.

Making Contact

If you’d like to get in touch for any other reason, use the box below to explain why and we’ll get back to you.

The best way of getting in touch is to use the form opposite and we’ll make sure the right person gets back to you.

That said, you can contact the secretary directly, by emailing or if it’s about membership you can contact the membership officer at

Your Details

Let us know how to get back to you.

How can we help?

If you want to join, just say so and add any Lodge you are a member of, if any.