Welcome to a New Member
Another new member of the lodge, Steve Hobbs, has been initiated by Peter Allen. He’s looking forward to joining in the many activities and now getting his tweeds ready for the next meeting. […]
Another new member of the lodge, Steve Hobbs, has been initiated by Peter Allen. He’s looking forward to joining in the many activities and now getting his tweeds ready for the next meeting. […]
The charity shoot, with some extra help from the Lodge raised £1700 which has been donated to the Chichester and District Foodbank which is part of the Trussell Trust. Sarah Adams, Operations Director “This donation, and others like it, are essential to enable us to continue to meet the steadily increasing number of local people […]
Artemis Lodge, in conjunction with Sussex Masonic Shooting Sports Association, hold a charity shoot every year at Southdown GC. Recently there were 53 participants and a total of just over £700 raised for charity. Many thanks to all who supported what was universally considered a great day out with a great result. […]
The Summer event organised by Artemis lodge in conjunction with the SMSSA is always a great success with many competing in the shoot and up to 70 enjoying the Shoot diner dance held at the Pallant Suite in Chichester which has featured Willy Austen. The majority were not masons, coming along as friends The Raffle […]
On the 10th November Artemis Lodge was consecrated in a most impressive ceremony led by the Provincial Grand Master. W Bro David Thornley was installed as the first Master of the lodge who then appointed the founders as officers. Over 100 Freemasons were there to be part of a very special day, both for the […]
January is the first meeting of the year for the SMSSA and the time when prizes for the previous year are presented. There’s always great turnout and congratulations must go to Jez Simmons who was the top gun this time! […]
Visitors are a fundamental part of lodge meetings and Artemis is no exception with many regular attendees who are not members. We do occasionally have visitors who have come some distance to join in – here is a member of Cervantes Lodge who came all the way from Nueva Orleans! We’ve also had many visitors […]
Artemis Lodge presented a cheque for £750 to the local Chicheseter charity Cancerwise. This will help them provide support to sufferers of this all to prevelent disese. Tim Hill, one of the trustees, came along to a lodge festive board soon after this presentation to explained how valuable it was to them. […]